Surodhwoni, along with Boroline presents Shedin Ar Koto Dure, to celebrate legend Salil Chowdhury's 98th birth anniversary. The event will host renowned musical artists like Haimanti Sukla, Srikanta Acharya, Manomay Bhattacharya, Sreeradha Bandopadhyay, Saikat Mitra, Lopamudra Mitra, Srabani Sen, Sampa Kundu, Antara Chowdhury & Kalyan Sen Barat's Calcutta Choir. We will also have distinguished orators like Bratati Bandopadhyay & Sumantra Sengupta recite Salil Chowdhury's landmark poems. Debashish Basu will be the moderator of the event.
The event will take place on November 19, 2023, at Uttam Mancha, Kolkata showcasing Chowdhury’s evergreen songs of conciousness and poems. Book your tickets now, and set on the amazing musical journey with us!